Warning Labels: Things You Need to Know

hazardous label

Warning labels serve a great purpose; they inform us of potential dangers we might encounter, so we can make adjustments to avoid them. There was a famous case concerning warning labels; it’s about a woman who sued McDonald’s after getting injured when she spilled the coffee on herself. She argued that there was no warning label on the cup; that’s why she wasn’t aware if it was hot or not. The funny thing about it is, she won.

That story shows the importance of warning labels and how not having them can harm someone. Imagine if the conditions are nearly the same, only a poisonous substance is involved, the result can be fatal. 

We encounter warning labels and signs all the time, and it’s almost a part of our everyday lives. Not seeing them means that everything is normal, so when something dangerous is mislabeled or not labelled at all, accidents occur. 

Join us as we discuss everything you need to know about warning labels, their importance, their types, and where you can get them if you’re dealing with dangerous materials. 

The Importance of Warning Labels

The earlier incident is an example of companies being held liable for injuries or accidents caused by a lack of warning labels on their products. When dealing with potentially hazardous objects or materials, it’s always a priority to warn consumers of their potential dangers, and the warnings have to be very specific as well. 

This article discusses another case where a company was forced to recall their drain cleaner for not having the word “poison” on the packaging. While it’s already common knowledge that such cleaners are dangerous when consumed, warning labels drive the point home and make people more careful when dealing with such products. 

As much as it is the responsibility of the consumers to be careful when dealing with hazardous products, it is the responsibility of the manufacturers to put a warning label on their products. Sometimes, all it takes to prevent a total catastrophe lies on a piece of the sticker with a warning on it. 

sodium hydroxide label

Types of Warning Labels

Warning labels can range from something as simple as things you’re not supposed to do at specific places to hazard warnings that will cause you to handle the products more carefully. They say knowledge is power; that’s why knowing these things are essential for our safety. 

Here are some types of warning labels you might encounter: 

1. Prohibited warning labels

prohibited warning label

These are the most common warning labels you can encounter. They remind us of what we can’t do in specific places. Some warnings indicate that dogs are not allowed inside their establishment, some prohibit open flames, and some prohibit eating. 

These warning labels are easy enough to understand, and when you dig deeper into what makes those things prohibited in those places, you will find it out soon enough. The central theme that all these warning labels follow is cause and effect, and if you follow that, you will cause no inconveniences. 

2. Medical warning labels

medical warning label

A lot of chemicals are involved in making medicines, and some of them can cause side effects. Medical warning labels serve as a warning to these side effects. Not everything that can make you feel better eventually is good right away; that’s why these warnings set your expectations so you won’t get caught off-guard. 

3. Age limit warning labels

age limit label

This warning label is commonly seen in movie theatres and certain establishments, and it indicates the age requirement to enter the establishment or for a particular film. You can encounter other variations of this on toys showing the age requirement for its use. 

Some warning labels with age requirements also describe why they require children from specific age groups to use them. Warnings such as “choking hazard” and other variations are placed there to avoid such incidents in younger children. 

4. Hazardous warning labels

hazardous warning label

These warning labels are reserved for products that pose severe damage if mishandled. You can commonly find these symbols on trucks carrying chemicals, household products that have harmful chemicals in them, and in some cases, you can also see this on military bases. 

Regardless of where you see them, seeing one of these labels means one thing: be careful with handling those products or around buildings or vehicles with these symbols. 

Where to Get These Warning labels

If your business or product deals with harmful chemicals, you are required by law to place a warning label on your place of business or product. The incident regarding the hot coffee at McDonald’s only dealt with a non-lethal beverage, yet it gained that much traction. Imagine if there are already poisonous chemicals involved. 

If you’re looking for a company that makes high-quality warning labels, then you’ve found it in West Coast Label. Your orders are guaranteed to be delivered in a timely fashion and done beautifully. 

West Coast Label also makes various labels, stickers, and packaging, making them your one-stop-shop for everything you will ever need for your business. 

Warning labels might be a common sight to us already, but it doesn’t discount the fact that its ability to keep us safe from harmful situations is top-notch. Are you looking to make your products safer? Then give West Coast Label a visit today at https://westcoastlabel.com.sg/contact-us/ and get your warning label.    


As much as it is the responsibility of the consumers to be careful when dealing with hazardous products, it is the responsibility of the manufacturers to put a warning label on their products. Sometimes, all it takes to prevent a total catastrophe lies on a piece of the sticker with a warning on it.